Norman Borlaug bred and introduced high yield wheat in the 1960s, introducing the so-called “Green Revolution”.  When was the combine introduced?


For a discussion of how globalization unfolds, see Sliz, Anna and Szczepanski, “A Geneology of Sociological Theories — An Attempt at General Reflection.” */

/*ŚLIZ, ANNA, and MAREK S. SZCZEPAŃSKI. “A Genealogy of Sociological Theories—An Attempt at General Reflection.” Polish Sociological Review, no. 191 (2015): 355-79. Accessed July 17, 2020.  A good survey of sociological theories, back to 19th Century, distinguishing between exogenous and endogenous development of developing countries.  Sociology focuses on the mechanism by which globalization proceeds but takes its existence for granted.  The issue of concern is whether external imperialistic forces, evolved out of a colonialist past, ensure the dissemination of core country cultures or if an endogenous local culture can generate its own progress and development, which may still be a part of one globalized system, but maintains local autonomy.  (Marxist theories would suggest that endogenous forces take over from exogenous ones.)  The issue of concern is control, autonomy and direction of globalization, rather than the matter of its existence.

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