Arnold Kling and Nick Schulz, From Poverty to Prosperity, (New York: Encounter Books, 2009). Contains interviews with leading economists speculating about innovation and economic progress. They discuss the limitations of the academic discipline and how to research beyond hose limits.
Beck, Ulrich, The Metamorphosis of the World, (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2016)
Boulding, K. E. “Toward a General Theory of Growth”, The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol 19, No 3 (Aug., 1953), pp. 326-340.
Boulding, K. E. “Ecodynamics”, 1978
Stephen Kinzer, “The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Alan Dulles, and Their Secret World War “, 2014
James Lovelock, Gaia Hypothesis
Meadows et. al. “Limits to Growth”.
Schumacher, “Small is Beautiful”.
John Picard Stein, “Resource Guidebook for a Phenomenological Approach to Societal Metamorphosis”, unpublished manuscript presented at the xxxxx of the Association for Associative Economics, Canterbury, England, 1986.
P Teilhard de Chardin, (1959), The Phenomenon of Man, Collins, St James Palace, London. In 1922, Teilhard wrote in an essay with the title ‘Hominization’: “And this amounts to imagining, in one way or another, above the animal biosphere a human sphere, a sphere of reflection, of conscious invention, of conscious souls (the noosphere, if you will)” (1966, p. 63)It was a neologism employing the Greek word noos for “mind”. (Teilhard de Chardin, “Hominization” (1923), “The Vision of the Past” pages 71, 230, 261)