Imagining the ideals that hover in front and out of reach can serve the useful purpose of inspiring societal evolution forward. Ideals give life meaning and align people in a common direction around which they may orient and relate together, especially useful in a modern world struggling with alienation. People aligned by common values more easily find trust and cooperation, facilitating and fostering society’s further adolescent metamorphosis. The environmental movement has emerged to serve this unifying purpose for some. Consumerism serves as the common value for many at present, but its rewards often prove frustratingly superficial and fleeting. And for society on a long term basis consumerism does not appear sustainable as a central purpose around which to organize human strivings. To the extent we have free will, it behooves us, as individuals and collectively in groups, to improve our individual and collective worlds, and in doing so it helps at least to conceive of and imagine the ideals toward which we would like to progress.