About John Picard Stein, Ph.D.

Educated at Harvard (BA Cum Laude), London School of Economics (M.Sc. Economics) and University of Chicago (Ph.D. Economics).

Lecturer, Roosevelt University, Chicago, 1971-1973; Economist, Rand Corporation, 1974-1979; Lecturer Economics, UCLA 1974-1978; Fulbright Lecturer, Universidad Catolica, Quito, Ecuador, 1978.

Ph.D. dissertation, “The Appreciation of Paintings”, applied the then recently developed capital asset pricing model to a proprietary index of painting auction prices to estimate the viewing/ownership services of paintings as the residual alpha assuming that the auction paintings market was efficient in the aggregate.  There’s something facetious about applying rigorous economic theory to investigate the immaterial viewing/ownership pleasure of collecting paintings.  My skepticism regarding economic orthodoxy appeared my first week in graduate school, when demand curves were derived from a preference function that assumed rational economic man’s sole source of motivation is consumption and that more is always better. This is not what motivated me, and so after laboring as a research economist for five years I exited the profession to explore the philosophical ideas presented here.


“The Monetary Appreciation of Paintings”, John Picard Stein, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 85, No. 5 (Oct., 1977), pp. 1021-1036.

“Estimating the market for computers in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe”, John Picard Stein, White House Council on International Economic Policy, (Rand Corporation: Santa Monica, 1974).

“The Economics of United States Grain Stockpiling”, John Picard Stein and Rodney Topper Smith, White House Council on International Economic Policy, (Rand Corporation: Santa Monica, 1974).

“Policies for pricing commercially-useful space systems resulting from government programs”, John Picard Stein and C. Wolf Jr., Acta Astronautica, 4(7-8):921-932, July, 1977.

Costa Rican beef exports.

Population Growth and Economic Development in Guatemala.

Agricultural Production Functions in subsistence farming, Guatemala.

Appliance Energy Efficiency, a cost-benefit analysis.

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